1. I. Negut, C. Ristoscu, T. Tozar, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, V. Grumezescu, C. Hapenciuc, M. Popa, M. S. Stan, L. Marutescu, I. N. Mihailescu, M. C. Chifiriuc, “Implant Surfaces Containing Bioglasses and Ciprofloxacin as Platforms for Bone Repair and Improved Resistance to Microbial Colonization”, Pharmaceutics 2022, 14(6), 1175; https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14061175
2. I. Negut, B. Bita, A. Groza, “Polymeric Coatings and Antimicrobial Peptides as Efficient Systems for Treating Implantable Medical Devices Associated-Infections”, Polymers 2022, 14(8), 1611; https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14081611
3. I. Negut, G. Gradisteanu-Parcalabioru, M. Dinu, B. Bita, A. C. Parau, V. Grumezescu, C. Ristoscu, M.C. Chifiriuc, "Bioglass and Vitamin D3 Coatings for Titanium Implants: Osseointegration and Corrosion Protection", Biomedicines 2023, 11(10), 2772, https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines11102772
4. ME Zarif, B Bita, SA Yehia-Alexe, I Negut, A Groza, "Spectral Analysis of Strontium-Doped Calcium Phosphate/Chitosan Composite Films", Polymers 2023, 15(21), 4245; https://doi.org/10.3390/polym15214245
5. I. Negut, C. Albu, B. Bita, "Advances in Antimicrobial Coatings for Preventing Infections of Head-Related Implantable Medical Devices", Coatings 2024, 14(3), 256; https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings14030256
6. I. Negut, B. Bita, „Overview of multi-responsive polymersomes in cancer therapy”, -, S.I. Self-Assembled Amphiphilic Copolymers in Drug Delivery, Pharmaceutics 2024, 16(4), 463, https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics16040463
1. I. Negut, C. Ristoscu, B. Bita, Chapter 6. Bioactive glass coatings on metallic implants for biomedical applications, submitted to Elsevier Series “Antimicrobial Materials and Coatings”, ISBN: 9780323954600 - under evaluation
1. I. Negut, C. Ristoscu, T. Tozar, V. Grumezescu, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, M. Popa, M. S. Stan, “MAPLE-coatings from bioglasses and antibiotics for improved implant surfaces”, "Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering”, NanoBioMat 2022 – Summer Edition. Poster presentation
2. I. Negut, C. Ristoscu, T. Tozar, V. Grumezescu, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, M. Popa, M. S. Stan, MAPLE-obtained bioglass thin films as drug delivery and release systems, “International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation – Science and Technology” (ICLPR-ST), 7 – 10 june 2022, Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania, Poster presentation
3. I. Negut, C. Ristoscu, T. Tozar, V. Grumezescu, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, M. Popa, M. S. Stan, “Bioactive glass coatings synthesized by MAPLE for enhanced performance of medical implants”, 5th International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology, October 12-13, 2022, in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Plenary Talk
4. I. Negut, C. Ristoscu, T. Tozar, V. Grumezescu, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, M. Popa, M. S. Stan, "Coatings of bioactive glasses obtained by MAPLE for the extreme conditions of the human body", 5th International Conference Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering – EmergeMAT, 27-28 October 2022 – Bucharest, Romania. Poster presentation
5. I. Negut, C. Ristoscu, T. Tozar, M. Dinu, A. C. Parau, V. Grumezescu, C. Hapenciuc, M. Popa, M.S. Stan, L. Marutescu, I. N Mihailescu, M. C. Chifiriuc, "Advanced Implant Surfaces: Harnessing Bioglasses and Ciprofloxacin for Enhanced Bone Repair and Antimicrobial Protection", International Forum on Immunology and Microbiology, August 21, 2023. Poster presentation
6. I. Ungureanu (Negut), M. Dinu, G. Dorcioman, B. Bita, G. Grădisteanu, "Exploring MAPLE Deposition of Bioglass for implant-like surfaces", 5th Edition of International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering, September 25-27, 2023, Valencia, Spain; Poster presentation
7. I. Ungureanu (Negut), B. Bita, C. Ristoscu, V. Grumezescu, "MAPLE-synthesized antimicrobial thin films from bioglasses combined with antibiotics", 4th International Conference on Biomaterials & Biodevices, november 16-17, 2023, Roma, Italy; Oral presentation
8. I. Ungureanu (Negut), C. Ristoscu, V. Grumezescu and C. Hapenciuc „Optimizing Advanced Implant Surfaces: Employing Composite Coatings of Bioglasses and Antimicrobial Substances for Improved Bone Repair and Enhanced Antimicrobial Protection”, Polymers 2024, Composites 2024 And 3bs Materials 2024, International Joint Conference, 06 - 08 march 2024, Sevilie, Spain. Poster presentation